People |
How is the company staffed? |
How does it obtain and retain its people? |
How are people compensated? How does this compare? |
How does human resources work? |
What types of HR issues does the comany have? What is its history? |
What are the employee benefits? |
What types of integration issues are we likely to have? |
Culture |
What is the stated mission of the Company? |
How well is the mission known within the rank & file? |
What are the Company's values (stated or implied?) |
What gets people promoted within the organization? What limits their careers? |
Is there universal alignment about what makes the Company successful? |
Where are the organizational conflicts? |
Which group "has the power" within the organization? Which is the "weak sister?" |
Organization |
What are the people doing?
- Macro: Staff mix by function?
- Micro: What is the staff specifically working on? |
Are we appropriately staffed (numbers and skills?) |
What does the organization look like? |
Where is the turnover history of the organization? |